Familie beim Picknick mit UNDA

Picnic with unda

What could be nicer than an outdoor picnic with your loved ones? Whether at the lake, on the meadow or simply in the garden, your UNDA is always with you! With the innovative 3-in-1 function, you have a bottle, a box and a cup with you for your picnic in just one product, saving time, money and disposable waste. Here are our six creative ideas for how you can use the UNDA at your next picnic.
September 08, 2022 — Stephan Mangold
7 Gründe, mehr Wasser zu trinken

7 reasons to drink more water

We drink water every day. You can find out here why drinking water is so important, especially in summer and for your health.
July 13, 2022 — Stephan Mangold